
Select all that apply. Then, set the frequency and a personal estimate on the minutes spent for each instance.

Please make a selection.

In the last 3 months, how many of these lifestyle changes did you make to accommodate your symptoms?

Select all that apply. Then, set the frequency and a personal estimate on the minutes spent for each instance.

Please make a selection.

You're almost done, ! In the past 3 months, how often did you think about your ?

You have chosen not to answer this question.

Hey,  . When it comes to your  , in the last year, it's impacted about:


 , it's time to take action. Follow these quick 3 steps to make your next   doctor visit more productive.

  1. Track your symptoms, including their frequency and severity, between appointments.

  2. Here's what you answered to help you get started: In the last 3 months, I experienced…

    You have chosen not to answer this question.

    •  about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
  3. Take note of the lifestyle adjustments you've been making—your doctor needs to know about this to help you get the most out of your treatment plan.

  4. Here's what you answered to help you get started: In the last 3 months, I…

    You have chosen not to answer this question.

    •  about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • Thought about my
  5. Share this with your gastroenterologist at your next visit. The more you share, the more your care team knows in order to find the treatment plan that works for you.

  6. Partner with your doctor to ensure that you're getting the care and treatment you need to manage your  . Talk about your treatment goals and how to get there. Use this list as a starting point to take action and get the conversation going.

     , how would you like to save your personal action plan?


You have chosen not to answer this question.

Hey,  . When it comes to your  , in the last year, it's impacted about:


 , we're glad that you seem to be managing well. If you want to keep being proactive, follow these quick 3 steps to make your next   doctor visit more productive.

  1. Track your symptoms, including their frequency and severity, between appointments.

  2. Here's what you answered to help you get started: In the last 3 months, I experienced…

    You have chosen not to answer this question.

    •  about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
  3. Take note of the lifestyle adjustments you've been making—your doctor needs to know about this to help you get the most out of your treatment plan.

  4. Here's what you answered to help you get started: In the last 3 months, I…

    You have chosen not to answer this question.

    •  about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • about x/week.
    • Thought about my
  5. Share this with your gastroenterologist at your next visit. The more you share, the more your care team knows in order to find the treatment plan that works for you.

  6. Partner with your doctor to ensure that you're getting the care and treatment you need to manage your  . Talk about your treatment goals and how to get there. Use this list as a starting point to take action and get the conversation going.

     , how would you like to save your personal action plan?


, for now, here are some other resources that can help:

you have not answered this question

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